Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Breakfast at my desk!

In class it’s been commented on that I eat a big breakfast….I admit it, on a morning I’m hungry!  I like breakfast and I don’t see why I should be miserable.  So this is my breakfast at my desk, and I’m not embarrassed (well, only a little bit!).  

I have Weetabix Muffins and it gets worse, a portion is FOUR but I already ate one when I remembered to take the photo (!!!) plus every day I have a huge, and as you can see, I mean huge, portion of fruit.  It may well take me about two hours to eat it all but I don’t care.  This combination, with different flavor Weetabix muffins and different huge tubs of fruits has been my start to the day at least five days a week for more than two months during which time I’ve lost more than 20 pounds of my total 75 pound weight loss in six months.

So I proudly post my breakfast ….it works for me, and I make them for other people who have lost weight starting the day the same way.  You can add fruit or not add fruit, dip them in yogurt or just eat them with coffee but this is my huge breakfast and it works...honestly, try it and start the day off properly!

Kathy xx

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