Thursday, 10 September 2015

Diet breakfast on the go

I think it’s really important to eat breakfast every day; sets me up for the day ahead and gets my metabolism going, but when that’s all said and done sometimes actually finding something convenient to have can be a problem.

I eat my breakfast at my desk so it needs to be something that I don’t have to weigh, faff with or heat up, it can’t smell and it has to be robust enough to survive constant interruptions without turning into a sloppy mess plus it sometimes needs to be portable if I have to go into a meeting and still not make me look like an idiot when I’m eating it.  Quite the list.

Usually I have Weetabix muffins, they’re absolutely delicious and do actually meet that onerous list of requirement but girl cannot live on Weetabix muffins alone so last night I made Lemon Oaty muffins to try.  I had high hopes for them as I like lemon, oats and flapjacks are one of my all-time favourite things which clearly made these a no-brainer, but sadly I have to report they are nasty unless you like cold, slightly fruit flavoured quiche.  I shared them (how very kind of me) and the feedback was that the consistency is good but they’re bland….weetabix muffins are far better.

I will share my lemony oaty muffin recipe here for anyone that wants to give it a go, but in the overall breakfast rating they score a 1 and I won’t be making them again!  The search continues…..

Kathy xx

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